Appointments and how to find us

with Children's Integrated Therapy Services


    Our appointments mostly take place in clinic; some take place in school. If the CYP is unable to access clinic please discuss this with us and we will explore alternative. Our community clinics are:

    • Chaucer clinic
    • Polegate (Unit A3 and A4 BN26 6QH)
    • Station Plaza, Hastings (TN34 1BA)
    • Grove House, Crowborough (TN6 1NY).

    Our clinics have a reception, waiting area and accessible toilet facilities. Please check in at reception. Your therapist or therapy assistant will collect you from the waiting area when they are ready to see you. Our clinic rooms are private, well-equipped and we have plaster rooms available at Polegate and Ore. Some of our clinic rooms are used by other children’s health services such as health visiting, audiology and for developmental assessments.

    On occasion we may offer assessments at children’s centres and other satellite clinics.

    When first being referred to our services


    We will explore your main concerns regarding mobility, pain, and how your child is able to complete day to day tasks. Before the appointment please think about any physical, functional or mobility issues that are arising for your child when they do day to day tasks as home and school. Please have this and any other information you want to share about your child’s medical or education needs to hand during the appointment.

    Our aim is to teach children, young people and their families/carers about their child’s condition and to advise on therapeutic activities, to either maintain or to develop skills.  We strive to place children and young people at the centre of planning for therapeutic intervention and ensure that they can make choices about their physiotherapy goals and intervention.

    Occupational therapy/physiotherapy

    We will explore how your child is able to do day to day tasks. Before the appointment please think about any physical, functional, mobility or sensory issues that are arising for your child when they do day to day tasks as home and school. Please have this and any other information you want to share about your child’s medical or education needs to hand during the appointment.

    Speech and language therapy

    Your first appointment might be a telephone call, video call or a face to face appointment at one of our clinics. Appointments usually last between 20 and 45 minutes.

    No matter how  you have your appointment, the most important thing the therapist will do will be to make everybody feel relaxed and comfortable.

    Usually, if it is a telephone appointment, it will be with just you - your child will not need to attend. Video and clinic based appointments will most likely be with you and your child together.

    At the start of the appointment, the therapist will take you through some quick questions about your family situation and your child’s development to date. If it does not feel comfortable answering some of the questions in front of your child or anybody else in the room or on the screen, these details can be taken later. Our therapists are very sensitive to what feels right to discuss.

    Depending on how old your child is, the therapist will play and talk with them in an age-appropriate way so that we can get some helpful information about your child’s strengths and needs. There will be no pressure on your child to do anything that they are not comfortable with.

    We will look at their speech and language skills and at their wider communication skills. For younger children, appointments are usually very informal and play-based. Both video and clinic-based appointments are great for allowing us to observe your child playing with you too. This can be very helpful and gives us lots of information on what we can do to support you.

    If it is appropriate, your therapist might use some formal assessments to get some more detailed information. These are usually in the form of short stories or picture based instructions.

    After the session, your therapist will write a report for you which sets out the results of the assessment and a plan for your child. The report will give you some advice and will also say what school or nursery can do to help. Sometimes, children also need support from a member of our therapy team. If this is the case we will put this in our report recommendations.

    Multi-disciplinary clinics

    Our occupational therapist and physiotherapists run multi-disciplinary diagnostic clinics for developmental co-ordination disorder from our clinic bases.

    Our speech and language therapists also carry out the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule/ Brief Observation of Symptoms for Autism within multi-disciplinary diagnostic clinics for autism. These clinics are led by Community Paediatrics, part of East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. You can find out more about these clinics here:


    We use orthotics to:

    • Maintain range of movement and/or posture
    • Reduce the energy required when walking
    • Provide balance and stability when walking
    • Improve function
    • Reduce pain and help to prevent contractures

    How to get an appointment

    You must have a written referral from your child's Physiotherapist to access an orthotics assessment. If your child is not known to Physiotherapy then you can ask for a referral to Podiatry from your GP.

    Before your appointment

    We will send you an appointment by post. Please bring any orthotic devices your child has previously been provided with.

    During your appointment

    Your child's appointment will be with one of the Physiotherapy team, along with an Orthotist from John Florence Ltd.

    The Orthotists are qualified professionals responsible for the assessment, prescription, design, manufacture and fitting of orthoses.

    Appointments are generally between 20 and 40 minutes but may be longer.

    We support student training. If a student would like to join the appointment we will always ask your permission.

    After your appointment

    We will either book your child into a follow up appointment for the orthotic device to be checked, or someone from the Physiotherapy team may see them to for the fitting.

    The Orthotist will give you and your child guidance on the orthosis and how to look after it.

    We will arrange a review of the orthosis as and when it is needed.

    Your Orthotist may liaise with the person who referred your child, to let them know how they are progressing.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please call TOP on 0300 123 2650, or contact your Physiotherapist directly for concerns with current orthotic provision.

    Serial casting

    What is serial casting?

    Serial casting is the provision and use of a number of casts that are worn on the limb. The casts are changed weekly, and the number of casts required will vary depending on your child’s needs.

    What we use serial casting for

    We use serial casting to:

    • Increase or maintain range of movement
    • Improve function
    • Reduce pain and help to prevent contractures
    • As a post Botox treatment
    • Increase compliance with orthotics.


    Who needs serial casting?

    There is a specific group of children for whom serial casting is beneficial. If your physiotherapist thinks that serial casting would improve your child’s function then they will discuss this with you.

    Before your appointments

    We will send you an appointment by post. Please bring a pair of baggy trousers or shorts, along with a pair of thick socks to put over the cast once finished.

    Although serial casting does not cause any pain, it can be an unsettling experience, especially for younger children. It may be helpful to bring a toy or music that your child likes to help them stay still.

    During your appointment

    Your child's appointment will be with two members of the Physiotherapy team. Appointments are generally between 40 to 60 minutes but may be longer for multiple casts.

    We support student training. If a student would like to join the appointment we will always ask your permission.

    After your appointment

    If you have any concerns while your child is in cast, please contact your treating physiotherapist directly. If you have concerns regarding your child’s cast outside working hours please go to A&E where the cast can be removed. We will give you documentation regarding this at your initial appointment.

    Your child’s next casting appointment will be confirmed at the appointment.

    Your child can continue with their day to day activities while wearing their cast(s), although they will need to keep the cast dry, therefore they will be unable to take part in water based activities. Your physiotherapist will be able to advise you on methods to keep the cast dry during personal care.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please call TOP [link], or contact your Physiotherapist directly for concerns with serial casting provision.

    Our clinic settings

    Important information about your visit to Children’s Integrated Therapy and Equipment Service at Station at...

    The address is Station Plaza, Hastings TN34 1BA. The building is located next to the train and bus station. Parking is available nearby in Hastings Town centre. This is our entrance.

    There are toilet facilities and a cold-water machine in the building.


    When you arrive at the door, please go to the Children’s Therapy and School Health Reception desk on the third floor. There is a lift. You’ll then be directed to the waiting area.

    Station Plaza

    You will then be called to see the therapist or therapy assistant. 

    You will be seen in a room that looks a bit like this…

    Station Plaza

    The address is Grove House, Crowborough War Memorial Hospital, Southview Road, Crowborough TN6 1HB. Parking is available at the front of the building. This is our entrance.


    There are toilet facilities and a cold-water machine in the building.

    Information for children

    When you arrive at the door, please go to the reception desk. You’ll then be directed to the waiting area.


    You will then be called to see the therapist or therapy assistant. 

    You will be seen in a room that looks a bit like this…


    The address is Chaucer Clinic, Unit A4 Chaucer Business Park, Dittons Road, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6QH. Parking is available at the front of the building. This is our entrance.

    Chaucer Clinic

    There are toilet facilities and a cold-water machine in the building.

    When you arrive at the door, please go to the reception desk. You’ll then be directed to the waiting area.

    Chaucer Clinic

    You will then be called to see the therapist or therapy assistant. 

    You will be seen in a room that looks a bit like this…

    Chaucer Clinic

    Give feedback

    Have you used our services and want to give your views?

    Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

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