

Keep up to date with Healthy Schools events and training in East Sussex from The School Health Service and our partners.

Calling all teachers of year 5 and 6

Would you like support from a school nurse with your teaching around puberty?

Our popular live online Q&A sessions for all year 5 and year 6 pupils in East Sussex will return in the 2024/25 year so watch this space for dates and times.

If you would like more information about these sessions please contact us on

Thursday, 3 October 2024

3.45 to 5pm

Online on Microsoft Teams

Leadership and Management of PSHE

This session is suitable for new PSHE leads and existing leads who want some reminders and refreshers. We hope this session will provide useful information, practical tips, guidance and links to resources that help you in leading PSHE and understanding its key role in your school curriculum.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

3.45 to 5pm

Online on Microsoft Teams

Teaching about First Aid/Dealing with an Emergency

This session will include input from Jen Fisher, Mini First Aid Sussex, who will provide some ideas and advice about delivering this part of the Statutory Curriculum and information about how Mini First Aid can support schools with this.

To book places on either of these training sessions please email

The 2024/25 Programme of training and support will be published soon. Please contact if you have any queries or need any support.

Would some of your younger pupils (year 7 and 8) benefit from revisiting learning about puberty?

These sessions are led by a school nurse and aim to support pupils identified by the school as potentially benefiting from re-visiting some of the learning that was delivered at the end of key stage two as part of the PSHE curriculum. The session delivers reassuring messages from Experienced Health Professionals about dealing with physical changes, emotional changes, personal hygiene and menstruation. This can bring a different perspective and field of expertise than that which is delivered by school staff and can support pupils to feel reassured and more confident in accessing health services now and later in life.

If you would like to discuss your school’s participation in this programme, please email the Healthy Schools Team at

Give feedback

Have you used our services and want to give your views?

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

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