

Keep up to date with Healthy Schools events and training in East Sussex from The School Health Service and our partners.

Calling all teachers of year 5 and 6

Would you like support from a school nurse with your teaching around puberty?

Our popular live online question and answer sessions for year 5 and year 6 pupils in East Sussex are returning for 2024/25. The dates this year are:

Term 1

  • Monday, 21 October, 11 to 11.40am

Term 2

  • Thursday, 21 November, 2 to 2.40pm

Term 3

  • Monday, 13 January, 11 to 11.40am

Term 4

  • None

Term 5

  • Monday, 19 May, 11 to 11.40am

Term 6

  • Monday, 9 June, 11 to 11.40am
  • Thursday, 12 June, 2 to 2.40pm
  • Monday, 23 June, 11 to 11.40am
  • Monday, 30 June, 11 to 11.40am

If you would like more information about these sessions please contact us on

Calling all PSHE Leads

CPD Session with Body Happy Org
Thursday, 20 March 2025
3.30 to 5pm
Online via Zoom

Help the children and young people in your care celebrate, respect and accept all bodies - especially their own.

More than half of children and young people feel bad about their bodies. This is impacting student wellbeing, engagement in learning and educational outcomes. Despite body image being part of statutory education, schools and caregivers can lack the training, support and systemic understanding to meaningfully address the issue. We’re here to address this.

Body Happy CPD workshops from The Body Happy Organisation offer body image training for those who work with children, with a focus on building cultures of body respect in their settings.

All of our sessions offer an introduction to the topic of body image, with practical tools and evidence-based solutions to foster inclusive learning environments that nurture the body esteem of children and young people, improving their wellbeing, reducing safeguarding concerns, and improving engagement in sport and PE, as well as engagement in class. Whether you work with children in EYFS, or young people in KS4, we can support you to create an environment that promotes positive body esteem, inclusion and body respect, through an interactive CPD workshops.

To book, email

Bereavement and Loss CPD

Tuesday, 10 June 2025
3.30 to 5pm
Online via Microsoft Teams

In last year’s My Health, My School Survey, less than 40% of children in East Sussex Schools reported that they had received enough information and learning about how to cope with a bereavement, loss or separation in their PSHE lessons…

We are really pleased to be able to offer a session with Natalie Miller (MHEW) and Jennifer Shevlin (ESCC- Educational Psychologist with specialisms in Bereavement and Loss and Critical Incident Response).
During this session we will be looking at what we mean by bereavement and loss and how we can approach this as a whole school.

The session will cover:

  • Defining and Exploring what loss is
  • Defining and Exploring what bereavement is
  • Developmental stages
  • The loss cycle
  • The importance of talking about death and loss
  • The needs of the bereaved
  • Curriculum considerations

To book, simply email

The 2024/25 Programme of training and support will be published soon. Please contact if you have any queries or need any support.

Give feedback

Have you used our services and want to give your views?

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

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