The East Sussex Healthy Schools programme

Healthy schools award
You can gain East Sussex Healthy School Status by completing the national and internationally used School Health Check . The School Health Check is an online tool for schools to self-evaluate across four core themes:
- Healthy eating
- Physical activity
- Emotional health and wellbeing
Each theme is linked to 10 strands identified in the whole-school approach. Your school can use the tool to highlight areas of strength and areas in need of development (aligned to Ofsted descriptors). From this, you can identify clear next steps which are automatically put into an online action plan.
Health Improvement Specialists from the School Health Service can support you in the process by offering advice, guidance and signposting to high quality resources.
The School Health Check is free to all non fee-paying schools in East Sussex.
To register for the School Health Check:
- Go to Healthy Schools and click ‘Register’.
- In the ‘Local Authority’ drop-down list select ‘East Sussex’ and then select your school’s name
- Complete any blank sections with your school’s details and click ‘Create an account’. In billing information, please enter ‘East Sussex County Council’ in every box
- You will then receive email confirmation of your registration and will be provided with access to your account.
The East Sussex School Health Service will then be in touch to help support you to achieve healthy school status for your school. You can also find support to help complete the School Health Check on this website.
Give feedback
Have you used our services and want to give your views?
- Tell us your experience of using our NHS services
- Feedback about our website? Email us
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Local stakeholders
- Contact our Children's Integrated Therapy Service
- Contact our School Health Service
- Support services in East Sussex