The East Sussex Healthy Schools programme

Physical activity
The Chief Medical Officer recommends that all children aged between 5 and 18 should be active for a minimum of 60 minutes per day.
Being physically active helps to promote physical and emotional health and wellbeing. In 2021 the World Health Organisation produced a report showing a link between being physically active and academic attainment.
As you complete this theme of your School Health Check Review, you may find there is criteria you have rated as RI or inadequate that you would like to focus on developing and improving.
Under each criteria we have provided some example resource links to support you. The resources listed here are just a few examples, our Health Improvement Team can provide you with support with all areas of the School Health Check.
Please do get in touch with us at for the most up to date resources. Please note any resources listed are not necessarily recommendations, just an acknowledgment of their availability.
Curriculum schemes of work: Please contact us at for the latest options and recommendations on PE curriculum schemes of work for Primary and Secondary schools.
Sports leaders
Sports Leadership qualifications have been achieved by over 1.2m young people in the UK. the qualifications are designed to use sport and physical activity to help young people develop and hone their leadership skills whilst helping themselves and others stay physically active.
Primary PE and Sport Premium - Active Sussex
Support for Primary PE leads and around use of Sports Premium.
Healthier Lives - area details (
Public Health Dashboard -National Comparisons – East Sussex – Childhood Obesity.
East Sussex primary PE network
Regular network meetings include ongoing CPD. Please contact us for details at
Promoting parents’ role in sport
NSPCC and Active Sussex guidance on raising awareness among coaches and officials of the crucial role parents have in helping children enjoy sport.
Please contact us for example PE/Physical activity policies at
CPD opportunities - Active Sussex
CPD opportunities for primary schools.
Calendar - Association for Physical Education (
Webinars, accredited qualifications, courses and conferences .
My health my school survey
The My Health My School survey is a pupil perception survey that asks children and young people a number of questions in order to generate vital information on the health and wellbeing of these individuals. Schools in East Sussex can access this for free. Please click on the link for My Health My School for more details.
What works in schools and colleges to increase physical activity?
Produced by Public Health England and Youth Sport Trust A resource for head teachers, college principals, staff working in education settings, school nurses, directors of public health, Active Partnerships and wider partners. Includes case study examples of good practice for KS1, 2, 3 ,4 and 5
Staff as healthy role models - action for healthy kids
How parents, teachers and staff can make a positive impact on student wellness.
Healthy habits | East Sussex (
An 8 week programme from the East Sussex School Health Service to work with children and their families to achieve and maintain a healthy weight with a focus on making small, achievable lifestyle changes around healthy eating and activity.
School providers directory (
Directory of providers to support around CPD, extracurricular clubs and online resources.
Education -
Programme of activities that can help you increase physical activity, reduce congestion and improve safety around the school.
Primary School PE Coordinator - Active Sussex
Check lists for primary PE leads to help with monitoring.
Being active | Overview | PHE School Zone
Resources for KS1, 2, 3 and 4.
Inclusion 2020 resources - Youth Sport Trust
Support for schools, clubs and families to remove the causes of negative experiences for young people.
Give feedback
Have you used our services and want to give your views?
- Tell us your experience of using our NHS services
- Feedback about our website? Email us
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Local stakeholders
- Contact our Children's Integrated Therapy Service
- Contact our School Health Service
- Support services in East Sussex