The East Sussex Healthy Schools programme

All schools must consider the statutory guidance when teaching relationships, sex and health education. The DfE has published a range of training modules designed for subject leads or other staff to train groups of teachers on relationships, sex and health education.
As you complete this theme of your School Health Check Review, you may find there is criteria you have rated as RI or inadequate that you would like to focus on developing and improving.
Under each criteria we have provided some example resource links to support you. The resources listed here are just a few examples, our Health Improvement Team can provide you with support with all areas of the School Health Check.
Guides to assessment in PSHE Education, KS1-4
These assessment guides for key stage 1-2 and key stage 3-4 explain how PSHE teachers can use an ipsative model of assessment in PSHE education, and describe a wide range of methods available to assess progress, with accompanying examples from real classrooms.
Monitoring, evaluating and assessing RSE - the basics
How RSE is monitored, evaluated and assessed – A basic guide produced by the Sex Education Forum
My health my school survey
The My health my school survey is a pupil perception survey that asks children and young people a number of questions in order to generate vital information on the health and wellbeing of these individuals. The data provided can allow us to tailor interventions to improve the data and the lives of children and young people for the future.
PSHE program of study KS1 - KS5
An updated Programme of Study for PSHE education to support schools to integrate new statutory content, by key stage, into their broader PSHE programmes
Principles of good RSE - Sex Education Forum
Teaching PSHE in primary school | The Key Leaders
Subscription required. Find examples of resources for primary PSHE, including schemes of work, progression grids, and an example from a school. Understand how to plan your PSHE offer with examples of action plans and advice about timetabling.
Head’s up
PSHE Association blog on getting Leadership right for the new statutory requirements.
Please contact for guidance with writing this policy.
PSHE Association - online CPD
We have adapted all of our CPD training days to run online — to ensure a safe and accessible experience for colleagues. Our extensive range of courses, led by our team of experienced Subject Specialists, will give you the support you need to plan, co-ordinate and assess your PSHE programme, prepare for school inspections and more.
PSHE Hubs | Czone (
The East Sussex PSHE Hubs bring together PSHE Leads through termly twilight meetings and a virtual network to share and consider best practice; identify resources to support high quality teaching; learn about national and local perspectives on PSHE education; network with colleagues in other schools; work together to improve PSHE education leadership, teaching and learning.
Calendar |
The Sex Education Forum offers high quality CPD and consultancy for the public, charitable and private sector. Browse our list of consultancy and training options or email to find out about commissioning a bespoke package for your setting.
PSHE Hubs | Czone (
The East Sussex PSHE Hubs bring together PSHE Leads through termly twilight meetings and a virtual network to share and consider best practice; identify resources to support high quality teaching; learn about national and local perspectives on PSHE education; network with colleagues in other schools; work together to improve PSHE education leadership, teaching and learning.
CPD and Training - PSHE Association
CPD training form PSHE Association including ‘Ask a subject Specialist’ video series.
SEND HUB – PSHE Association
A range of resources produced and compiled by the PSHE Association to support your PSHE delivery to pupils with SEND needs.
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Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Local stakeholders
- Contact our Children's Integrated Therapy Service
- Contact our School Health Service
- Support services in East Sussex