Healthcare plan

Individual healthcare plans (IHCP) are designed to keep children with medical conditions safe, well and involved at school. An individual healthcare plan is a document that sets out your child's medical needs and how they should be supported – the plan can help to make this clearer for everyone involved in your child's care and education.
Medication may be required for a short period of time or just a single dose. However, for children with ongoing medical needs, it may be for a longer term or on a continual basis. Those that have continuing health needs should have an IHCP that is reviewed annually or earlier if the child’s needs change. Parents should always be consulted when developing an IHCP and any relevant health professional should also be involved.
IHCP are developed in partnership between the school, parents, pupils, and the relevant healthcare professional who can advise on a child's case. The aim is to make sure schools know how to support your child effectively and to provide clarity about what needs to be done, when and by whom.
When developing a child’s IHCP please consider the following:
- the medical condition, signs, symptoms and treatments
- the child’s resulting needs, including medication
- the level of support needed. If a child is self-managing their medication, this should be clearly stated with appropriate arrangements for monitoring
- who will provide this support and their training needs
- arrangements for written permission from parents and the headteacher for medication to be administered by a member of staff or self-administered by the pupil during school hours
- arrangements for school trips or other school activities
- what to do in the event of an emergency, including who to contact, and contingency arrangements.
Please see Statutory guidance for supporting pupils at school with medical conditions.
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Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Local stakeholders
- Contact our Children's Integrated Therapy Service
- Contact our School Health Service
- Support services in East Sussex