
Hypermobility is a normal variant and usually does not require a referral to a physiotherapist. On this page you will find useful films, training, resources and links to help. We ask that parents /carers and professional access these and implement the strategies prior to making a referral.
School age children should first participate in a Jump Ahead and/or Sensory circuits or equivalent motor programme for a minimum of three times a week for four academic terms. Jump Ahead is a motor skills programme designed to support development of fine and gross motor skills for school-aged children. Please contact Therapy One Point on 0300 123 2650 if hypermobility has a significant impact on gross motor functional ability e.g. causing sleep disturbance on a regular basis or impacting on attendance at school.
Children's Integrated Therapy Service
Speak to the team for
more information.
Helpful links
Case studies
Josie was referred to physiotherapy and occupational therapy by the consultant rheumatologist. Every night Josie was experiencing pain which stopped her getting a good night’s sleep and this caused her to have frequent days off school to recover.
Josie also found school work difficult because she needed to move regularly and her hands and wrists hurt when she did any writing.
The therapists saw Josie for an initial assessment. Josie and her mum answered some questions about the current problem and the therapists observed Josie completing some movements and fine motor activities. Initially the therapists recommended some core and leg strengthening exercises, hand strengthening advice and gave resources for alternative pencil grips to trial.
Later the therapists visited Josie at school for an observation and gave further advice to her teachers.
A therapist reviewed Josie three months later. The advice had worked – Josie said she was sleeping better and was getting to school too. She was still trialling different self-management strategies with her mum’s support but all agreed that she could be discharged as everyone now knew what to do. The therapist made sure mum knew that Josie could be referred back into the service in future if needed, but that she could also access advice through the service Therapy One Point in the interim.
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Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
Local stakeholders
- Contact our Children's Integrated Therapy Service
- Contact our School Health Service
- Support services in East Sussex