Year R health assessment

Good health is linked to educational attainment. Therefore, the healthier children are, the more likely they are to attend school regularly, focus, participate in lessons and achieve their potential.
In line with government guidelines, reception-aged children are offered a comprehensive health assessment by the East Sussex School Health Service.
The aim of the assessment is to identify any support that your child may need. It is possible that a school nurse will get in touch with you afterwards to offer help and support to you and your child.
The questions are simple and non-intrusive. However, the responses will alert your School Health Service to any concerns your child may have, with a view of intervening early to prevent concerns developing.
We use a specialist, online questionnaire called SchoolScreener® Health Needs from Thomson Screening for this important service. It’s password-protected and secure, only the School Health Service staff can access your child’s data.
For more information, see the informative video.
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