

To support schools access training at a time that suits them, we have created a large number of training films on our website:

You can keep up to date with Healthy Schools events and training in East Sussex from The School Health Service at Events | East Sussex (

Schools in East Sussex can also book in for a Speech and Language consultation - face to face time with a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant (SLTA) to talk about specific children, talk about specific areas or ask a SLTA to model activity for you. For further information please contact our Therapy One Point on 0300 123 2650

We have created a large number of training films on our website, from bite sized films (two to 15 minutes) to longer workshops (20 to 90 minutes). These include:

To ensure the safety and well-being of your students, don’t miss our upcoming health awareness sessions on epilepsy and asthma, along with details on how to access anaphylaxis training. Please see the information below about the training and to book a place.  


This 45 minute session aims to raise awareness and understanding of epilepsy, how it may affect the child or young person and how to respond to epileptic seizures.

There is no competency assessment to this session.

 Objectives of the session

  • Have an awareness of epilepsy, types of seizures, possible triggers and the treatment options.
  • Be able to provide care and support to a child/young person during and after an epileptic seizure, according to a management plan.
  • Know when to seek emergency help
  • Whom to contact for further information / advice.

The session will be held on MSTeams and led by a nurse who will be able to take questions at the end of the sessions.

To book in please email with the name of who you would like to book on, their email address, school name and date you would like to attend. We have sessions running on following dates:

  • Wednesday, 4 June - 3.30 to 4.15pm
  • Wednesday, 3 September - 1 to 1.45pm
  • Wednesday, 26 September - 10 to 10.45am
  • Wednesday, 12 November - 3.30 to 4.15pm
  •  Wednesday, 28 January - 10 to 10.45am


If you have a child in your school who has been prescribed an Auto Adrenaline Injector (AAI) the Resuscitation team can come and deliver training to your school. If you require this training please contact the School Health Service at and we will contact the Resuscitation team to get this arranged.

Every child that has a prescribed AAI in East Sussex will come through the Resuscitation team. Schools that do not have a child with a prescribed AAI can request the training however the AAI must be prescribed for the child. An AAI (or spare AAI if your school has one)  should only be used in a pupil where both medical authorisation and written parental consent have been provided for the spare AAI to be used on them. The expectation for an initial possible Anaphylactic reaction is call 999, call parents/carers and if child unconscious, place in recovery position.


New training delivered by our nurses within the School Health Service coming Summer Term of 2024/25 academic year. For further details or to register your interest please email

School Health Service

Speak to the team for more information.

Need help now?
Text your school nurse on
07507 332473.

Children's Integrated Therapy Service

Speak to the team for
more information.

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Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

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